"Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them."
~Lady Bird Johnson

"The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
~Dalai Lama

Special Education Acronyms

If you have any you would like to add or know of any that should be modified, please feel free to contact me.

Special Education Acronyms (in alphabetical order).
ABA - Applied Behavioral Analysis
ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act
ADD - Attention Deficit Disorder
ADDES - Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation Scale
ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADDH - Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity
AFDC - Aid to Families with Dependent Children
APA - American Psychological Association
APE - Adaptive Physical Education
ARC - Association of Retarded Citizens
ASHA - American Speech and Hearing Association
AU - Autism
BD - Behavior Disorder
BEAM - Brain Electrical Activity Mapping
BES - Behavior Evaluation Scale
Binet - Stanford Binet Intelligence Test
BIP - Behavior Intervention Plan
BL - Blind
BMP - Behavior Management Plan
CA - Chronological Age
CAP - Corrective Action Plan
CASE - Council of Administrators in Special Education
CEC - Council for Exceptional Children
CHADD - Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)
CP - Cerebral Palsy
CSEF - Center for Special Education Finance
DDK - Developmentally Delayed Kindergarden
DF - Deaf
DF/HH - Deaf/Hard of Hearing
DOE – Department of Education
DSM IV - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, fourth edition
DTT - Discrete Trial Training
DVR - Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
EBD – Emotionally Behavior Disturbed
EPSDT - Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (Medicaid)
ESEA - Elementary and Secondary Education Act
ESL - English as a Second Language
ESY - Extended School Year
ESYP - Extended School Year Program
FAPE - Free Appropriate Public Education
FBA - Functional Behavioral Assessment
FERPA - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
FTE - Full-time Equivalent
HH - Hard of Hearing
HI - Hearing Impaired
IAES - Interim Alternative Educational Setting
IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEE - Independent Educational Evaluation
IEP - Individualized Education Program
IFSP - Individualized Family Service Plan
IHP - Individualized Habilitation Plan
IQ - Intelligence Quotient
ITP - Individualized Transition Plan
LD - Learning Disability
LDES - Learning Disabilities Evaluation Scale
LEA - Local Education Agency
LEP - Limited English Proficiency
LI - Language Impaired
LRE - Least Restrictive Environment
MH - Mentally Handicapped
MR - Mentally Retarded
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MDE - Multidisciplinary Evaluation
MDT - Multidisciplinary Team
MS - Multiple Sclerosis
MSW - Master’s Degree in Social Work
NAMI – The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill
NAEP - National Assessment of Educational Progress
NAEYC - National Association for the Education of Young Children
NASBE - National Association of State Boards of Education
NASDSE - National Association of State Directors of Special Education
NCEO - National Center on Educational Outcomes
OCR - Office of Civil Rights
OMB - Office of Management and Budget
OSEP - Office of Special Education Programs
OSERS - Office of Special Education Rehabilitation Services
OHI - Other Health Impaired
OT - Occupational Therapist/Occupational Therapy
PI - Physically Impaired
PIAT - Peabody Individual Achievement Test
PLOP - Present Level of Performance
P.L. 94-142 Public Law 94-142 (reauthorized as I.D.E.A.)
P.P.D. - Pervasive Developmental Disability
PT - Physical Therapist / Physical Therapy
SEA - State Education Agency
SEBD - Seriously Emotionally Behavior Disturbed
SES - Social Economic Status
SH - Severely Handicapped
SLD - Specific Learning Disability
SLI - Speech/Language Impaired
SLP - Speech/Language Pathologist
SST- Student Support Team
TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury
TRO - Temporary Restraining Order
VAKT - Visual/Auditory/Kinesthetic/Tactile
WAIS-R - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults - Revised
WIAT - Wechsler Individual Achievement Test
WISC-III - Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Third Revision
WPPIS - Wechsler Pre-school and Primary Intelligence Scale
WRAT/R - Wide Range Achievement Test-Revised
VH - Visually Handicapped
VI - Visual Impairment
504 - Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973