"Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them."
~Lady Bird Johnson

"The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
~Dalai Lama

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hello and Welcome!

If you've stumbled across my little corner of the blogsphere, welcome!

This is one of several blogs I run.  However, The Right to Learn is perhaps the blog that is nearest and dearest to my heart.

Five years ago, I was trained as an education advocate by the Georgia Advocacy Office Parent Leadership Support Project.  I learned all about IEP's, FAPE, 504, IDEA, and a bunch of other acronyms that make very little sense to most of the population!

My training came out of my desire to help those who don't have a voice to help themselves.  However, since the time of my training I have become a mommy to three amazing yet extremely energetic future advocates!  Four of the last five years have been spent rocking babies, changing diapers, and learning how to juggle multiple hats at one time.  While my drive be an advocate for children with special needs did not change, the amount of time I had to devote to all of my passions was greatly diminished and advocating for other children had to temporarily take a back seat.

Several weeks ago, I was approached by a mom who has a child with special needs.  She knew that things with her son's educational needs were not being met but wasn't sure how to go about getting him the services he not only required to thrive, but was entitled to.  After spending time trying to find her an advocate and consulting extensively with my own mentor, I agreed to take on the case myself.

It was the best decision I ever made.

The progress we have made for this child's education has been remarkable in a very short period of time.  It hasn't been easy; in fact, it has been more work than I could have ever imagined.  But the rewards that will come from this work will be fruitful for years to come.  And while the family is thanking me over and over, it is I who should be thanking them.

They have helped me find my purpose once again.

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